This Week in Buena Music 6/10
Greetings Buena Music Families!
We made it! We’re in the last week of school! We have just a few things to get done before we break for summer vacation.
As a general reminder, we are wrapping up finals/placement auditions this week and should be concluding on Wednesday.
Here is the list of this week’s events:
· Monday – Senior Finals, 2, 4, and 6
o Jazz band finals
· Tuesday – Early Dismissal at 12:25.
o Jazz Band Finals
o After school graduation rehearsal @ 1:00-2:00 PM in band room for Concert Band and Wind Ensemble members.
· Wednesday – Early Dismissal at 12:25
o Jazz Band finals (if needed otherwise rehearsal for graduation performance)
o ONLY IF NEEDED:After school graduation rehearsal @ 1:00-2:00 PM
· Thursday June 14th: Graduation Performance
o Due to the minimum day that day, I will need help setting up our performance area after school (percussion, jazz band equipment, stands)
o All musicians: Call time is 2:00 (parking will be a difficulty) bring your yearbooks or an activity with you until we need to play
o Jazz Band performs around 4:20-4:30ish as people are walking in.
o Concert Band and Wind Ensemble students: be in performance seats by 4:30, performance begins close to 5:00 PM. I expect the entire ceremony to be concluded around 6:15-6:30ish. Traffic will be hectic, and we will also need to clean up our area around the performance zone. (percussion, jazz band equipment, stands)
o “Play Pomp and Circumstance” and the “Alma Mater”
o At conclusion of the event – all members must check in their school borrowed instruments for the summer in addition to their music. This will take place in the band room following the ceremony.
Concert Attire for all students will be black pants (NO JEANS!) and plain white tops, gentleman please wear a shirt with a collar, short sleeves are OK .
Rookie and MBSL Camp
· June 15thand 16thMBSL and Rookie Camp – Leadership training will take place on this Friday.
· 9:00-1:00 for both days
Band Camp Weeks (9:00-5:30 each day with exception of August 3rdand August 17th)
· July 30th– August 3rd
· August 13th– August 17th
August 3rdwill be our band camp beach day and August 17thwill be our first football game!
It has been a truly incredible year of growth for everyone in the program. I am so proud of all of the accomplishments of our students, particularly our outgoing senior class. As you leave Buena, treasure all of the memories you have made here and leave the footprints in the ground for our younger students to follow you in. You will have a lasting impact on them beyond what you will comprehend and have already become leaders for the future.
“Before you leave the band room for the last time, stop and take a
look around for just one moment. These four walls have seen you
at your worst and at your best, they had watched families created,
and families fall apart, they have seen love between two people
and one-sided crushes, they have seen your most joyous days and
maybe melancholy ones, they have seen the person when you
walked in for the first time and have seen the person you are
for the last time. And when you turn back and walk the halls for
the very last time, know that the walls are silently weeping and
maybe you are too because you both realized that in order to go
somewhere in life, you must have home.” – Unknown.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!
James Rumenapp
Music Director
Buena High School