This Week in Music 8/26/18
Greetings Buena Music Families
I hope you all have had a wonderful first week of school! We are starting to move into our first round of playing tests in all ensembles.
As a friendly reminder, if you miss a playing test, or are unable to play that given day, I will allow you to submit the playing assignment to our Google Classroom pages. New for this year, all of our itemized classroom information can be found on Classroom. This is an effort by me to keep things organized, more clear, and provide you a way to access materials at a moment’s notice if you need something.
We will still be communicating through Charms and you will still be able to get files and documents through Charms, but now direct assignments will be made available through this new medium.
If you did not turn in your signed Handbook Page, I will still be accepting it for full-credit on Monday.
Please check your classes on the Google Classroom Page for any upcoming assignments.
The codes for each ensemble can be found here:
- Jazz Band Class Code:bq2ygxu
- Concert Band Class Code:mgxzev6
- String Ensemble Class Code:3h4ytb
- Wind Ensemble Honors Class Code:2ejl04q
- String Orchestra Class Code:7esbedk
- Marching Band and Color Guard Class Code:eea7eg
Please note that several classes have upcoming assignments due this week. Please make sure that you are looking at all of the indicated assignments as they will be checked on their due date.
Marching Band and Color Guard
We have a regular practice schedule this week. My goal for Tuesday night is to complete the opener and Wednesday’s goal is to begin memorization of Part 2. Thursday we will be refining aspects of Part 1 with the full staff.
Hornline members, there will be a pop playing quiz this week on the Alma Mater. Please have it learned! I may not get to everyone this week, nor on the same dates. BE PREPARED.
Friday’s Game Schedule will be the same, except this week we will have some awesome guests coming to visit us from our local Middle Schools!! Please send the invite. It doesn’t matter if they don’t know the music, just bring them along with their instrument and encourage them to have a lot of fun and see what the BHS Marching Band and Color Guard experience is all about! There will be an awesome mixer during the 3rdquarter where BMA and the parent reps from the middle schools team-up to provide us a nice meal.
· 4:30 Call time for Warm-Up
· 5:30 Change into uniform (battery down to the locker rooms for Football Team)
· 6:15 March to Stadium
· 6:30 Pre-game show 7:00 Kickoff
· 8:00 Halftime Performance of “Flatland” (what we know of it)
· 3rd Quarter Break: Mixer with Middle School Students in the Warm-Up Area. NO FOOD NEAR THE TUNICS, GUANTLETS/GLOVES. Return to the Stands for 4thQuarter at the 2:00’ marker.
· 9:30 Game over, march back
· 9:45 Return Uniforms, Clean Band Hall, Room, and Drumline Room.
· 10:15 Dismissal
If you have any further questions regarding this week’s activities, please make sure to consult the Google Classroom page for your class.
Additionally, if you would like to get occasional reminders from me, please sign up for the Remind App. Here are our class codes:
Remind App: 81010
Jazz Band: @jrume
Concert Band: @jrumena
String Ensemble: @jrumenap
Wind Ensemble Honors: @jrumenapp
String Orchestra: @8hh364
Marching Band: @jrumen
Have a great week!
James Rumenapp
Music Director
Buena High School