This Week in Buena Music 9/16/2018
Greetings Buena Music Families,
Happy Sunday! I hope that you all have enjoyed your weekend. Yesterday the marching band and colorguard had an extremely productive practice day. We are now through 50% of our show and are continuing to move at a quick pace!
There are some important things happening this week and next, here they are in listed form:
Upcoming Events:
· Tuesday, September 18th, 7:00 PM -8:30 PM – BMA General Board Meeting (Marching Practice will be occurring concurrently at the stadium)
· Monday, September 24th, 3:30 PM - Marching Band and Guard Photos
· Wednesday, September 26th– 6:00 PM – Back to School Night. (Marching Practice will conclude at 5:15 this evening for hornline and battery members, Guard will quit at normal time)
· Saturday, October 6th– Sounds of Conejo (first MB and Guard Exhibition performance) itinerary TBD.
That is all the upcoming information for the time being.
Please don’t forget your Snap-Raise emails! Just as a reminder, Snap-Raise participation counts as all 20 emails plus one donation. Make sure that your emails are in and that you have done your part to support our program! Thank you for making this fundraiser a success each time we have run it. We still have a little more than 2-weeks left and can earn some serious money if everyone plugs in their emails.
Class Assignments
Since all information is now located on Google Classroom, please refer to your class page for upcoming information that is due for your class. Concert Band members, your scale test may still be turned in late for only 10% taken off the top. All sections: Keep an eye out for another assignment soon!
Regarding Grading of Playing Tests – I will do my best to get them graded in a timely manner, however during the Marching Season grades may take longer than normal. Please be patient with your scores. Thank you!
Have a great week!
James Rumenapp
Music Director
Buena High School